Sunday, June 17, 2012

Time Out for Women

Oh how I LOVE this weekend! I look forward to it...well I can't say year since the last time I went was six months ago and some people don't get the the chance to go for years in between...

Well either way this is a weekend that no woman should miss. It doesn't matter if you are old or young, married or single, have kids or will be uplifted and inspired.You will definitely laugh and probably cry a little, but either way I always leave feeling extremely glad I am a woman...and most importantly glad to be ME!

While I was there I say a group of fantastic women all came wearing crowns. I told them if they brought their crowns tomorrow I would bring mine...what they didn't know is that mine was real! That sounds like I am making a big deal of myself and that isn't what I am trying to say...I guess that mine was given with a title...I don't know. Please forgive me for my blundering.

Though these crowns may not have come with official titles each of them deserved a title and moments of recognition.
Outstanding Mom
Outstanding Wife
Outstanding Friend
Outstanding Sister
Outstanding Daughter
...the list could go on and on...

Thank you for sharing the stage with me. I felt truly blessed.

One of my personal highlights was meeting the extremely talented group Mercy River. I tried to upload our super fuzzy picture but my computer isn't liking it much so instead just click above to see how amazing these three women and mothers really are!

For more information on Time Out for Woman click HERE

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