Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Luck of the Irish...

March 10, 2012
Dublin, OH

St. Patrick's Day Parade
This entire day was extremely fun. I have never been in any kind of position to have earned or been given a special parking spot. Can you imagine my excitement when I pulled up and saw this? Sure they had them for all of the participants, but I didn't care. This one was just for me.

My Bug was such a sport and got all dressed up as a leprechaun. At first he wasn't sure about the idea and then he got to see the costume and decided it wasn't such a bad idea after all. Both the kids and the adults thought he was pretty cute...something that was not missed on Bug. He loved all the attention.

Thanks goes out to my hubby for being our parade route driver.

Special Thanks goes to Tansky Toyota for sponsoring me in the parade and the use of a GREEN truck, very appropriate for a St. Patrick's Day parade don't you think?

A night of cookies...

My very first appearance...

 I was extremely lucky to be able to spend the evening with a group of amazing girls talking about something I adore...COOKIES!

Nothing seemed to be working out in my favor - the heat and humidity, the oven needed to bake the cookies, the know the basics one needs when teaching a cookie class. Luckily these fabulous girls didn't seems to mind - they were happy to learn and happy to just be there. I personally loved being around all of their energy.

Here are only a couple of examples of finished projects.

Thank you again.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Harvest for Hunger

Every year Giant Eagle, a local grocery store, takes part in Harvest for Hunger.
Giant Eagle was gracious and donated all food items needed for this fundraiser so 100% of our proceeds went directly to assist our food bank.. With only $6.00 the local food bank was able to create 24 MEALS that would go to hungry members of our community. I was honored to be helping with such a event as this.

Below are two of the fabulous workers I was able to spend the afternoon with.

Monday, May 21, 2012

A bit of bling

It isn't so much that I have  felt the need for a crown to feel fulfilled in fact it was a surprise that I decided to jump into the pageant arena. Later it was was even a bigger surprise how excited I got knowing I had a crown coming my direction.

Then I saw it :)
I was beyond excited! I let my babies try it on first (I wasn't being kind or generous but seriously trying to not act like a little girl)...

Here are the fun goodies that came with it...

This was the first time I was able to try everything on...
I felt great, beautiful, magnificent, a force to be reckoned with.
Let me set the record straight. I KNOW WHO I AM! I didn't need a crown to tell me what I already know...
"I know I'm somebody 'cause God don't make no junk!"

I truly believe that each of us deep down, no matter what we believe religiously, knows that we are daughters of the King, the Most High God. No crown can replace that...

but it sure was fun to try on.